Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where Is Professor Donn?

So word on the street is that Professor Donn won't be able to make it to class tonight. Word on the street is that there is a substitute teacher, but at this time I am thinking that I would better be able to use my time at Starbucks working on my first project. The Visa "Life Takes" Invitational zapped me of all energy, both physical and creative. I'll be better off sipping my venti green tea lemonade sweetened with four Splendas at my favorite cafe on Bryant & Mariposa.

My goal for tonight is to figure out how I am going to piece together this film de femme. For our written assignment, Professor Donn noted that he would like us "to write about how [our] first shoot for this class went - what difficulties did [we] encounter, did [we] discover anything new, what do you think you might do differently next time?' Well, all I can say about this is that I will be using existing footage this time around. I wanted to film something, but time constraints and limited resources just won't allow it. I will step out of my comfort zone for assignment two, but for now, I'll create the standard "Borm Mash Up" piece.

I'm really tired. Visa did a number on me. But it's all good. Below are pics from the weekend.

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