My sister Nathalie has told me time and time again that her daughters are goody two shoe catholic girls and that nudity, any reference to sex, and cuss words make them feel uncomfortable. When I saw the reaction on Maddie and Jacqui's faces as I took the picture of this fountain, I knew there and then of what I could or could not do on this trip. Translation: no sex, drugs, and rock & roll.
How did I get to this point in life? I've been going to Sin City since I hit 21 many many years ago, and I have photographic proof of the debauchery that has occurred over the years. I won't post any of those pics on this blog entry, but I bet some of those incriminating photos can be found on the world wide web somewhere! This weekend, I spent my time at the M&M Store and not the AVN Convention hanging out with the D&D's. I guzzled down slushies, and I mean the ones that don't have that extra kick. Finally, I gave up the roulette table for the hotel table, where I played Uno with two kids while Nickelodeon was playing in the background. How the H-E-double hockey sticks did my life become so G-rated?
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