Friday, March 21, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I spent the past 20 hours traveling across the globe, and now all I want to do is crash on my very own bed and sleep for the next 20 hours. I really do hate sitting on an economy seat for more than half a day, but somehow, this time around it wasn't too bad. Normally, I would just at my seat staring at my computer or trying to fall asleep with my iPod blasting, but this time was different. My mom and I spent the time talking about our journey to Vietnam.

For most of the flight, my mom gushed about what an incredible time she had visiting her childhood home and reconnecting with beloved family members. She reiterated the fact that this trip was so unexpected, as she never had any intention of returning to Vietnam. For 33 years, my mother wondered what it would be like to go back, but she feared that she would only be reminded of the pain and tragedy. For that reason, she stayed far away. She admitted that she was very nervous about this trip, but in the end, she acknowledged that this was the best thing she has done for herself in a very long time. Finally, my mom was able to give her sister the heart felt hug she had been yearning to do so for 33 years. She was able to relive her childhood and say good bye to her parents. Most importantly, my mom was able to find closure and end the unfinished chapters in her life. Every question mark that loomed in her head the past 33 years have finally been removed.

As we crossed the Pacific Ocean and entered our tenth hour in the air, I began to doze off. My mom noticed me teetering off and said she would stop talking so that we both could get some shut eye. I let out a big yawn and closed my eyes. My mom then muttered, "Thank you. Because of you, I was able to do this."

Thank YOU, mom.

1 comment:

DianeN said...

I'm glad you were able to do this for mom. And I'm glad that she had a great time and all of her fears for the past 33 years dwindled. I truely believed that it is a great thing for mom to return to Vietnam. I'm glad she did and I'm glad she had such fun.