Thursday, August 21, 2008

TwirlyBoy Screening

What a crazy night. Evan Donn recapped the evening best on the IDOM page:

'TwirlyBoy' closed out last night's screening with a bang, ending a night of great films with the audience both entertained and confused as they asked themselves "what just happened?" To top it all off, IDOM Chief Instigator Tony Nguyen appeared in full TwirlyBoy regalia (including a costume change!) and bribed the audience with free Ho Ho's and some spectacular ribbon twirling. Win or lose, at least we won't be forgotten! There was even some talk of a possible sequel... hmm, "TwirlyBoy 2: Electric Boogaloo" perhaps?

If you couldn't make it out to the screening you can enjoy TwirlyBoy from the comfort of your own home RIGHT NOW!

Indeed, IDOM's Chief Instigator went over the top for this screening. I really wanted everyone to remember 'Twirly Boy', so I brought a Ho Ho for every audience member. I had a total of 250 Ho Hos in my bag, and I gave them all away! Shameless propaganda, I know, but like I said before, I will do anything in my pursuit to get the IDOM logo tattooed in every audience member's brain. I probably looked like a dork twirling around in my thermal undies with the Ed Grimley 'do, but that's perfectly fine because I do believe that I achieved my goal of making a lasting impression on the audience. Like Evan said, "win or lose, at least we won't be forgotten!"

There will forever be a special place in my heart for TwirlyBoy. This has been an incredible experience, perhaps one of the best in my history with It Donned On Me. The reason why is because I missed last year's event due to family obligations, which really bummed me out. I came into this competition wanting to savor every moment, and boy did I ever. I'd like to thank my fellow IDOM'ers for having the faith in me and casting me in this role. I am so there for the TwirlyBoy sequel!