Tuesday, August 19, 2008

TwirlyBoy, The Movie Poster

It's a little after 2am and I am close to passing out. The past few days have been pretty intense and I think it's all catching up with me now. I spent the last couple of hours piecing together the TwirlyBoy poster, and I am happy to say that after a few rough drafts, I completed a movie poster that I am proud of. When production ends, my work begins. As the Chief Instigator, my job is to market all our films, so it is vital for me to get the movie poster, postcards, and blog updates completed in a timely manner.

I take it upon myself to take these extra steps because I am proud of IDOM and I want people to see our work. I strongly feel that doing all this is necessary in order to get our name out there. How many movie studios out there just make a film and hope that it will sell? Marketing is a very important part of the process, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that every film we make will donn on everybody. Someone has to do it! Our work speaks for itself, but a little PR will take it even further.

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