Thursday, October 18, 2007

An Audience With Lynn Ruth Miller

For those who are new to Blogged Arteries: The Unrendered Files, the above picture is not a promotional shot for the Harold & Maude sequel. The senior citizen that you see is Lynn Ruth Miller, a bay area comedian who starred in IDOM's first 48 Hour Film Project, "Urgent Care." I met Ms. Miller on the set of this film, and ever since our infamous scene in that ambulance, we have become good friends, and have developed a solid professional relationship. Odd couple, yes, but we definitely have some sort of chemistry that always seem to put us both on the same page.

I am Lynn Ruth Miller's official marketing manager, and let me tell you, molding her image certainly is challenging. This lady is pretty versatile. Not only does she do raunchy sketches about senior sex for her comedy act, but she also has a zany musical cabaret show and a story telling performance where she engages her audience with poignant anecdotes from her life. While Lynn Ruth performed her show, "An Audience With Lynn Ruth Miller," at The Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland this summer, a producer absolutely loved her show, and wanted to bring it to London. It all happened so quickly. I remember how excited she was when she broke the news to me after her late night comedy act in Scotland. I've always known that Lynn Ruth Miller had the potential to make it big, and this producer's interest in her show confirmed it. I told Lynn Ruth that she desperately needed a marketing makeover, and I was going to help her do it.

My first major task was to get Lynn Ruth's story telling show onto DVD. The past few months have been extremely busy with 48 hour film projects, film festivals, and Digital Workflow assignments, but I am committed to getting this budding star on the map, so in between all the rendering, I squeezed her in. I am very happy and relieved to say that the DVD has been completed. Having strict deadlines definitely helps. Lynn Ruth is scheduled to fly out to London on Monday morning, so all I have to do now is make duplicate copies for her for distribution. I managed to complete this project in between The Apple Insomnia Film Festival, The National Film Challenge, and projects for Professor Donn's Digital Workflow class. Yes, a whole lot on my plate, but these are things that I want to do. People tell me all the time that I have way too much time on my hands. I wish that were the case. Between my day job, school, video competitions, film festivals, and my job as Lynn Ruth's marketing manager, I barely have time to brush teeth. It used to really bother me when people say this, but these days, my response to them is simple: "I make time to do the things I love." Below is an excerpt from that show called "40 Birkhead Place."

1 comment:

harperjo said...

Hey - I am acurrently working with Lynn. Did you manage to get any leads to book her?