Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Featherweight Sequel?

I screened "Featherweight Blues" in class last night, and I am happy say that it was well received. Professor Donn noted that I did a good job overall, and that there were only a few things that I needed to look out for next time. He saw right away that there was a blue tint on my face during the piano scenes. I hadn't noticed this before, but after he pointed this out, I realized that it came from my MacBook Pro. Next time, I'll put a piece of paper with the lyrics in front of me and not the computer itself. The other thing he pointed out was that, in the second verse of my song, I could have used different footage. He suggested maybe filming the featherweight boxer in different a different scene, like running down the street, doing push ups, or training with weights a la Rocky. I agreed. Overall, though, "Put A Bag of Frozen Peas On My Sore Bruise" was a hit.

"Carlos Gutierrez" and I are having a lot of fun at work right now. Every time I get a hit on YouTube, I run down to the mail room to tell him. Wouldn't it be cool if he became the next YouTube sensation? I told him to send the link to all his family and friends in the Philippines. I'd be happy if he gets half as many hits as the guy who told the world to leave Britney alone. My featherweight class boxer is slowly building his fan base. Right now I'm thinking SEQUEL!

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