Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Required Elements For Insomnia.

It is the crack of donn and I hauled my butt out of bed to retrieve the required elements for the Apple Insomnia Film Festival. To my surprise, there is no genre! In fact, the field was wide open, and there is a lot of room for creativity! Tom and Sig will be meeting me in a few minutes, followed by our group of esteemed performers: Lynn Ruth Miller, Denise Vann, and Michael Eyvazov. Those who have seen Urgent Care may remember these three characters. I'm pumped up and ready to fly. I have no idea what we are going to do, but I do live across the street from a park bench and I do own a tuxedo. My tux came in handy at The Visa "Life Takes" Invitational Awards Ceremony a few weekends ago, so I'm going to convince Sig & Tom into using it for this competition. This tux is a lucky one, so who knows, we may win the top prize!

From: Apple Insomnia Film Festival []
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 6:18 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: It’s time to make your masterpiece.

Filmmakers, start your cameras. The big moment has arrived, and you’ve got just 24 hours—until 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time tomorrow, October 14—to make and post your three-minute entry for the Insomnia Film Festival.

Start by choosing three of the top-secret elements revealed below (you can also find them at to include in your film. In the opening shot, be sure to list the name of your team and whichever elements you’ve selected.

Remember to leave at least an hour to post your film to the Insomnia Gallery before the deadline; as 9:00 a.m. creeps up, heavy traffic can slow things down. Now get rolling.

2007 Film Elements (choose any three):

Park Bench

Bird Cage

Character Name:
Robin Darjeeling

Background Sound:
Radio Static


Camera Angle:
Dutch Angle

Narrative Device:
Dream Sequence

Editing Technique:
Match Cut

“Don’t tempt me.”

Old Person

Good luck!
- Insomnia Team

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