Friday, May 9, 2008

Star Trek Wedding

I spent the past week working on a 'slide show' for my co-worker's wedding. If you've ever been to a wedding, then you know what I am talking about. This is the obligatory show case of the baby pictures of the bride and groom and their "how we met" story. My slide show is more Final Cut Pro than PowerPoint, and I'm just about done with this project. As I rendered the movie, I thought of all the weddings I've ever attended in my life time.

I spent a lot of my weekends as a child sitting in churches and watching the union of holy matrimony of extended family members. I come from a big family, so every Saturday during the summer were spent at engagement parties and wedding ceremonies. Believe me, I've heard the Vietnamese version of the Wedding March one too many times. When I hit the quarter of a century mark, I found that most of my friends were getting married off. I was averaging about 5 weddings a summer for about 5 years. In my life time, I have sat through a wide range of matrimonial styles, ranging from the traditional Vietnamese fare to the redneck nuptials of two trailer dwelling love birds. I have to say that the best wedding I've ever attended was in Las Vegas a few years ago.

My former co-worker invited me on board the Starship Enterprise to witness him and his wife exchange their vows. I may be galaxies away from being a trekkie, but it sure was a whole lot of fun getting dressed up for this Star Trek Wedding. Without a doubt, this event was the best wedding I've ever experienced. It was not just a ceremony, it was the event of the millenium. I really can't explain this experience in its fullest details, since I am not fluent in Vulcan, and I do not have my galactic phrase book handy. But you know the old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words, and I do have enough jpegs to fill up a novel's worth. Below are a couple of chapters...

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